Yesterday I learned how to drive a tractor. The tractor is orange and boxy. It has big tires in the back and small ones in the front. It also has a hood over it so you don’t get too hot or too wet. The tractor is a Kaboda Diesel. It has a lot of knobs. One knob makes the bulldozer attacment fo up and down, one engages the mower, and another raisses and lowers the mower. There is a knob to put it in gear – rabbit, neutral, or turtle. When I drive the tractor, the sound is like really loud classical music. The seat feels soft against my back. My feet and hands feel the vibrations of the motor. I smell the smell of deisel, exhaust, and the grass I cut. The tractor is very powerful. When I drive it, I feel like I can do anything.
Wow, Elliot - I've never driven a tractor, I'm impressed!
Everything is fine here in CA - though I miss you and the whole family!
Give everyone a hug from me, OK?
Love, mormor
dude, I can't believe you're driving a tractor. Fun, huh?! My buddy Primo had a tractor that I got to drive a few times when I was a kid. I remember feeling exactly how you described.
Anyway, we miss and envy you guys a ton. Everything's cool in Berkeley. I'll keep at least 10 Ninja Warriors tivo'd for you for when you get back.
Your car has yet to make it's debut on Hilldale Ave yet but it's just a matter of time. I'll try to keep it in one piece for you.
Hey Mike, Jill, and Julie! Wish we were there.
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