Before we came to Thailand, we had more adventures in Bali. One of our adventures was the Reptile Park. Here are some animals that I saw: a Komodo dragon, a mini-corcodile, a super-long-necked turtle, a spectacled caiman, and a crazy iguana with horns and quills. In the Reptile Park, you can hold some animals, and some animals you can't hold. I held a skink. I did not hold a Komodo dragon.
By the way, the skink that I held has a blue tongue. It was called a blue-tongued skink. -julie
We also went to the Bird Park. We saw all kinds of birds from many parts of the world. We saw GIANT pelicans. They were as tall us me and could jump very high. We saw someone (taller) feed fish to them. They stood on a bench to do it. One of the giant pelicans kept getting all the food because it was the tallest. It was all so amazing.There was a show and I got to do a magic trick with a parrot. It flipped upside down in my hand. I also got to feed birds. A couple landed on my head. -arjuna
Before we left Bali, we went to Amed, a little village on the east coast, for some snorkling and relaxing. We met some really nice kids from Denmark, Anna and Johnathan. Hej!
Kiki is my little stuffed animal that we got in Bangkok. We think she is famous – after we got her, we saw a plastic version of her in another store! She is very cute. In this picture, she’s sitting with Louie, my dog and her new best friend. -julie
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